- December 1 2023
- Ksenia Tarasova
You get interviews but NOT getting offers?
As a Top expert and professional advisor, I've assisted hundreds of individuals in securing various jobs. However, despite many applicants being qualified for the position, they often find themselves in a situation where they've had interviews but no job offers. This may be due to various factors, from lack of confidence to desperation or insufficient details.
It's important to identify and overcome these obstacles to present oneself in the most effective manner possible. Here are some reasons why you may not receive offers after interviews and what you can do about them:
1.Your doubts are evident: If you're unsure of your skills or lack confidence in them, it's likely to be translated into anxious body language and a lack of clarity in speech. When I pursued my master's in NLP, I learned that language is 55% body language, 38% the tone of voice, and only 7% the words you use. To overcome this, it's crucial to prepare well before the interview. Practice confidently discussing your skills and achievements and explain why you qualify for the position.
2. You didn't provide enough details: It's easy to go blank during an interview, especially after a challenging question. However, it's important to prepare to provide specific details about your achievements and work experiences. By telling stories and providing concrete examples, you can help your interviewer better understand your experience and skills. In interviews, recruiters typically use methods called competency-based interviews and situational interviews. The first delves into your past work and experience with questions, while the second puts you in situations to solve present problems and how you would handle them.
In the first, the famous S.T.A.R. method is used: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. They will ask about a situation you've had in the past in one of your jobs, inquire about the task you performed in that situation, the actions you took, and the result it brought. This method has an advanced technique: THE PIVOT. Instead of just asking about a past situation (as in competency-based interviews) and the task, it PIVOTS and adds a real situation/problem (situational interview) from the company you are applying to. This will make you more prepared.
3. You seem desperate: Desperation is easily detectable in an interview. If you recently lost your job or are struggling financially, you may feel a great need to get this particular job. However, it's important to remember that not getting an offer doesn't mean you're a failure. On the contrary, each step is a learning and progress. Instead of emphasizing what you can get from the job, explain why you would be a valuable addition to the company. The disadvantage of desperation is that it leads you to take actions/decisions in a certain way, and that can be reflected in the work.
For example, instead of saying something like, "I got fired, and this role ticks all my boxes," you can say something like, "Being let go gave me time to step back, evaluate what I want, and find positions like this, where I can have a real impact on building a team of XXX. This is exactly what I have done in the last XXX years."
You're trying to hide your weaknesses: Often, it's tempting to avoid talking about our weaknesses during an interview. However, being transparent about our weaknesses and what we hope to work on demonstrates a growth mindset and a desire to improve. Ask your interviewer about their ideal candidate and,
4. Understand the context of each situation and plan.
Sometimes positions close, budgets are cut, another candidate is chosen, among other things. The important thing is to know that every step you take is an achievement toward your goal, a learning, and a new experience.
My recommendation is to create a spreadsheet or document where you track all the positions you apply for, when you apply, who you contacted and when, what CV you sent, what type of application you made, if you got a response, and the dates of each interview you have and with whom. Essentially, it will help you better understand what you can improve, which doors to revisit, and help you stay motivated.
What do you think? What else would you add? I'm listening.
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